Friday, December 17, 2010

Network Configuration in HP-UX

Configuration File :
/etc/rc.config.d/netconf        -  Contains the hostname, ip address, default route
/etc/hosts                            -  Contains the hsotname to IP address mapping
/etc/resolv.conf                   -  Contains DNS server details
/etc/inetd.conf                     - Internet daemon configuration file

Configuration Files used for DNS Client:

Scripts :
/sbin/init.d/net start  - To start network services
/sbin/init.d/net stop  - To stop network services

Commands :

1. To set the hostname :
# set_parms hostname

2. To set primary ip address :
# set_parms ip_address

3.  To set the default gateway, DNS/NIS server details :
# set_parms addl_netwrk

4.  To restart inetd daemon :
# inetd -c

5. To display the ip address configuration details :
# netstat -i

6. To set the IP details of lan0 :
# ifconfig lan0

7. To display all the network adapters :
# lanscan

8. To display routing table :
# netstat -rn

9. To add a route :
# route add default 1

10. To enable a network interface :
# ifconfig lan0 up

11. To disable a network interface :
# ifconfig lan0 down

12. To change NIC settings like speed, duplex,..
# lanadmin


  1. Exactly what I was looking for. Many thanks.

  2. Can you please tell me how to remove a static route?

  3. Could you please advise how to remove a static route?

  4. Can you please tell me how to remove a static route?
