Following commands are to executed by logging (telnet/h) into Onboard Administrator's CLI.
1. To display all the blades and enclosures in a superdome 2 machine,
> parstatus
2. To display all the nPars,
> parstatus -P
3. To allow an operating system running in a npar to perform partition configuration operations on other partitions,
> parperm npar on 1
4. To create a nPar using blade 1/2 and IO bay 5/1,
> parcreate -P nPar0002 -a blade:1/2:::: -a io:5/1::
5. To create a nPar using blades 1 and 3 from enclosure 1 and IO lot in IOX enclosure 5, bay 1,
> parcreate -p nextPartition -a blade:1/1:::: -a blade:1/3:::: -a io:5/1:
6. To display the details on a specific nPar,
> parstatus –Vp1
> parstatus –Vp nPar0001
7. To remove a nPar,
> parremove -p 2
> parremove -p nPar0002
8. To rename a nPar,
> parmodify -p1 -PnPar0005
9. To add the blade in enclosure 1, slot 5 to the existing nPartition 1,
> parmodify -p 1 -a blade:1/5:base:y:ri:50%
10. To add I/O bay 2 in enclosure 3 to the existing nPartition3,
> parmodify -p 3 -a io:3/2:
11 To remove the blade in enclosure 1, slot 5 from nPartition 1,
> parmodify -p 1 -d blade:1/5
12. To remove I/O bay 2 in enclosure3 from nPartition3,
> parmodify -p 3 -d io:3/2
13. To power on nPar ID 1,
> poweron partition 1
Note: You can also use the legacy bo or pe command(menu based) to power on a nPartition.
14. To view the powr status of nPars,
> parstatus -P
15. To open the console of nPartition id 1,
> connect partition 1
Note: You can also use the legacy co command to get the console.
very usefull commands